
Recording high quality dialogue for film and video production requires a blend of technology and technique. Sadly, almost all of the emphasis these days is on achieving the best picture quality, and sound is the forgotten child.

Learn MoreBut for those of you interested in attending or hosting a seminar/workshop on how to achieve Hollywood grade location audio -- Fred Ginsburg CAS Ph.D. MBKS is an internationally recognized authority when it comes to teaching this complex craft.

LAPPG One-Day Workshop on Sound


Creating a professional sound project. With  Dr. Fred Ginsburg CAS and Woody Woodhall CAS

Take this fall to brush up your sound skills and give your audio the proper attention it deserves by learning the best practices, tips and tools that no filmmaker should be without!

This one-day filmmaking class is designed for the digital filmmaker who wants to improve the sound of their film, television show, or webseries. Nothing screams “amateur” like an improperly recorded, edited and mixed soundtrack.

Samy's Camera - Los Angeles

samysOn Wed, Thursday, and Friday (August 10-12, 2011), Samy's Camera will be hosting a three day event in their Los Angeles area stores featuring factory representatives from major brands available to make presentations and answer questions from attendees. Dr. Fred Ginsburg CAS will be on hand, representing Audio Technica microphones for video and HDSLR production.

Workshops & Seminars

Fred Ginsburg instructing at NAB.Production Sound Mixing is the complex craft of recording crisp and clean dialogue & sound effects on the set during film or video production. Yet although Sound Mixers are traditionally seen but not heard,  Fred Ginsburg,  has become quite the exception! Over the past decade, Fred has conducted numerous hands-on training seminars for a multitude of organizations across the country including universities, professional associations, trade-shows, expos, broadcasters, corporations, and government agencies.

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